The Evil Dead Full Movie Free Download
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Posted on 23:04
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Five friends travel to a cabin in the woods, where they unknowingly release flesh-possessing demons.
Sam RaimiWriter:
Sam RaimiStars:
Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Richard DeManincor |Storyline
As a vacation, five friends travel to a small cabin in a deserted jungle. When their first target has been to reach peace, they should fight restlessly as they find themselves surrounded by an evil force that turns its victims into heartless monsters.
The Evil Dead Movie Reviews
Until about 3 years ago, my favorite movie was Halloween 2. There was no doubt, whatsoever that THAT was the greatest horror flick ever.
Then, in the fall of 1999, I found The Evil Dead on a sale at a shopping center in Stockholm for a great price. The previous missing 12 minutes of blood and gore (that the Swedish censorship had cut) were back, in the full uncut Swedish version.
I bought it with another film, 'cause there was an offer to buy 2 movies and only pay 100 crowns (about $11/£7 today).
I saw it, and I was scared beyond recognition! The music, the low budget camera, the camera work! Everything. It had everything!
It was scary, it was dark, the music was scary, it was made during the golden age of horror (early 80's) with a low budget and no huge stars in it
Then, in the fall of 1999, I found The Evil Dead on a sale at a shopping center in Stockholm for a great price. The previous missing 12 minutes of blood and gore (that the Swedish censorship had cut) were back, in the full uncut Swedish version.
I bought it with another film, 'cause there was an offer to buy 2 movies and only pay 100 crowns (about $11/£7 today).
I saw it, and I was scared beyond recognition! The music, the low budget camera, the camera work! Everything. It had everything!
It was scary, it was dark, the music was scary, it was made during the golden age of horror (early 80's) with a low budget and no huge stars in it
- everything I look for in a horror movie.
It still is my favourite - no doubt about it. I can't imagine any movie being better than Raimi's masterpiece, I definitely can't.
The greatest piece of horror ever!
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